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EdWeb has a list of professional learning communities (networks) that connect different groups of people.A lot of the communities offer webinars that can be used for proffesional development.

Here is a social media page for teachers. It’s free to sign up, but your profile must be approved. Mine took a few days for approval. They have a blog there called The Learning Revolution and groups that you can join for more specific resources.

A discovery engine of websites, mobile apps, desktop programs, and electronic products for teaching and learning. You can become a member of the site to receive updates and communicate with other educators.

This group of teachers read a common book or books and host discussions on twitter and such. The book they’re reading now is about how to do your own professional development.

This site is similiar to Classroom 2.0 in the way that you have to sign up and create a profile. Within the website are multiple mediums to learn and contribute including forums, videos, and blogs.

Edutopia hosts multiple articles, groups, videos and guides for all teachers.

What's cool about this site is that they have videos of teachers from all over the world. Their website also hosts a blog for added collaboration.

The National Center for Learning Disabilities helps teachers and parents by providing resources for working with students that have a learning disability. The site has eBooks, podcasts, videos, and current news as well.

Eduemic has resources centered about educational technology as well as blended and flipped classrooms. They have a whole sections just focused around how studnets and teachers can use social media.

You can buy and sell resources on this website as well as create discussions with other teachers using their blog function.

Where can I find a PLN on the web?


The following resources are here to guid you towards other experts on the web that you can connect with.

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